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HABE sixth formers have completed an incredible 9,277 hours on since September, this is being completed either in free periods or as homework!



📚✨ An exciting afternoon at Harris Primary Beckenham Green! We were thrilled to welcome Mr Shone and two of our former students from . They shared valuable insights into life at HABE, inspiring our Year 5s & 6s who hope to join in the near future! 🎓🌟



Our Year 10 Harris Experience students have arrived at ! We are visiting the university to learn more about what Oxbridge is and meeting current students at the University of Cambridge to learn about their experience.



Dear HABE I had the privilege to referee your u18 boy's team v Tunbridge Wells Grammar. Although the HABE team were beaten the way they conducted themselves deserves praise & recognition. You should be proud of the young men who represented their school today. # Referee



Only a few days to go until the bookfair! Vouchers are a great way to pay for books, and mean students can collect their books on the first day of the fair. See attached for more info.


Announcing the HABE autumn bookfair (5-11th December)! 100s of books and stationery items will be available, many at vastly reduced prices. What could be better than finding a book in your Christmas stocking?


Parent feedback on our Carol Concert I was hugely impressed with the quality of the performances at the HABE concert last night. The concert band were excellent by any measure - first class. The Yr7 choir, chamber choir and soloists were also incredible as was the Year 7 choir.


A-level History is always a popular choice at HABE, consistently producing excellent results for our students


Our Politics department is rallying despite a very hectic few days, proving how relevant A-Level Politics is!#theHABEway


Our Business department offers, A-level Business, CTEC Business and A-level Economics


Our HEA High Flyers staff are here to help our students get to some of the best Universities in the country!


Our Social Sciences - A-level Sociology and A-level Psychology are always some of our most popular subjects with some of our most passionate teachers!


Our A-level Biology students are brilliant, demonstrating their dissection skills, and understanding of different organs!


We offer A-level Photography at HABE, with dedicated and passionate teachers!


Our PE department at HABE is outstanding, offering both A-level PE and CTEC Sport. Our PE department are looking lovely and tanned following their latest KS5 trip to Spain!


Our sixth form offers a Football Partnership with allowing students the opportunity to study and have access to high quality coaching and mentorship throughout their sixth form journey, come and see us in MFL3.

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office


















Curriculum intent

Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. Our high-quality music education will engage and inspire students to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians. As students’ progress, they will develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen critically.

Music can be separated into three different disciplines – performing, composing, and listening and appraising. The three branches of Music are taught and developed together with the aim to build personal skills that students can draw upon to succeed, not only in music lessons but also beyond school life and in future employment.

The life skills that are developed, and are at times explicitly taught, are an integral part of the development of the subject specific skills as well as creating well-rounded individuals. The core principles that are developed would include: problem-solving, perseverance, diligence, teamwork, time management, organisation, responsibility, cultural history, listening skills, confidence, social skills, discipline, self-evaluation, interpersonal skills, sense of achievement.

Opportunities are embedded for students to be able to hone and develop the practical aspects of performance and composition, but equally important is the ability to understand how the development of life skills, such as confidence, self-awareness, perseverance and discipline give them a holistic experience that they can take beyond their musical studies.

For further details of the Music curriculum please see the documents at the bottom of the page or contact Mr. C. Argyrakis.


The curriculum is structured based on the expectations for GCSE; key concepts and skills required by the end of these courses are fed down into schemes of work from Year 7 upwards. This is designed to raise expectations and standards from the start of Key Stage 3 and ensure that musical knowledge is being understood both practically and theoretically.

Within our curriculum, we include a range of musical genres to explore diversity and a range of social, historical and cultural contexts to encourage tolerance and understanding. We aim for students to attend regular outings to inspire them creatively and to develop their cultural capital. Along with the performance element of music, students will develop their analytical minds whilst communicating effectively through written and oral means.

To support the music curriculum and to ensure students are honing their musical skills outside of the classroom, there are several extra-curricular music programmes being run, such as a choir, Big Band, Steel Pan Band, keyboard club, ukulele club. In addition to this, students will have the option to attend weekly Peripatetic sessions lead by specialist Peripatetic teachers.


Successful implementation of the music curriculum will be evident in student outcomes. Students will demonstrate a development in confidence and self-esteem, with many participating regularly in music enrichment activities within the academy and beyond. Students will have developed detailed musical knowledge and skills across the whole music curriculum, where students have become critical listeners and performers and expressing themselves with a plethora of key Drama skills and terminology. This will be formatively assessed with regular verbal feedback during the lesson to ensure all students are developing and making progress. Additionally, summative assessments will be conducted for a combination of practical and theoretical work to ensure students are achieving within all elements of the subject. Data will be analysed regularly with intervention implemented accordingly to ensure that students are making expected progress.

All students that study Music at KS3 should have developed transferable skills that will equip them for further study and the world of work. Study at KS4 will ensure students have the fundamental skills to study Music at a higher level, through Cambridge technical, university, Music conservatoires or pursue a career in the profession. Post GCSE music, students can continue further study within the subject as there are many career paths individuals can take relating to music such as being a musician, composer, conductor, working in film, television or plays, teacher, performer, singer or songwriter, as well as many others.

Year 7 Music

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Introduction to music

Instruments of the Orchestra

Traditional African Music

Ukelele skills

Composing using ostinatos / minimalism

Popular Music

Year 8 Performing Arts

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Stage Combat

Film Music Performance and Composition

Reality TV

Blues performance arranging  and Improvisation

Technical Stage Design

Classical and Romantic Orchestra

Year 9 Performing Arts

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Proxemix and Status

Hip Hop Performance and Composition

Devising using different practicitioners

Bhangra and Musical Fusion. Performing and Arranging

Directing and Designging

Rock n Roll ensemble performance