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Posted on August 20th 2015
HABE Students Achieve Best Ever GCSE Results!
Students at Harris Academy Beckenham have achieved the Academy’s best-ever results, with 65% of students achieving 5A*-C grades, including English and Maths.
This represents an 8% improvement from last year. The progress of students in English and Maths was outstanding with 84% of students in both subjects meeting their targets for expected and a tremendous 54% and 42% of students making more than expected progress in English and Maths respectively. Our progress in both these vital core subjects are significantly higher than both the national and Bromley averages for 2014.
Even more impressive is that 48% of the exam grades awarded this year at Harris Academy Beckenham where at A*-B grade, an improvement of 18% on last year – a clear indication of the high quality of teaching across the Academy and excellent provision for our brightest students.
Our Academy specialism of Scientific Enterprise was demonstrated with excellent Science results, with 82% of students achieving at least 2 GCSE’ at A*- C. Furthermore, the other EBacc subjects of Geography, History and Modern Foreign Languages performed similarly well with over 70% of students achieving A*-C in History and Geography and more than half of our French and Spanish students achieve top A*-B grades.
The upward trend of top GCSE results recorded by students at Harris Academy Beckenham was also shown by a significant rise in the pass rate of students achieving 5 ‘pure GCSE grades’ including Maths and English but excluding vocational equivalences. For example, Drama, IT and Religious Education GCSE’s all recorded pass rates of over 80%.
Exceptional individual performances epitomised the hard work put in by students at Harris Academy Beckenham this year and included:
Jordan Allen-Kow (1A*, 9As)
Higor Alves (6A*s, 2 As)
Adirahman Ismail (6A*s, 2 As)
David Oloko (3A*s, 5As)
Olayinka Anifowose (2A*s, 5As)
Dimitry Deker (3A*s, 5 As)
Our commitment to supporting students with alternative needs was highlighted with exceptional performances for students with English as an Additional Language, with over 76% of these students achieving 5A*-C in Maths and English. We are also proud of the performance of our students with Special Educational Needs who made out outstanding progress in both Maths and English.
‘We are immensely proud of the remarkable hard work and dedication of our students and staff,” stated Principal, Ms Rebecca Hickey. “Our students deserve every success, particularly as they have shown such resilience and resourcefulness; we look forward to seeing them flourish even more in our sixth form.”