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Posted on July 11th 2016
Fireman Eddie Pollard
On Monday the 13th of June, I started my first day of a week long course of firefighting at Lee Green Fire station in Lewisham. The reason why I was given the opportunity to take part in this course was to help to build up my confidence and learn key skills that would be useful in the future.
Duration of the week, I learnt how to extinguish a fire in a burning building, climb a ladder the ‘firefighter’ way (not as easy as it sounds) and to organise the equipment used by the firemen. Other skills that I was able to develop throughout the course involved communication with others and time management. One specific experience taught me how to communicate and move safely in the dark- a crucial skill for Firefighters. A personal favourite lesson was being taught how to carry a casualty. Overall, this great opportunity helped to build my confidence and to respect not only the firefighters but other people around me.
Eddie Pollard – Y10