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Posted on December 20th 2016
Harris Federation Student Commission - World Class Education
On Friday 16th December, 8 students from Harris Beckenham were invited to take part in the long anticipated re-launch of the hugely successful Harris Federation Student Commission. Braving rail strikes, students travelled up to Harris Westminster joining the other 19 academies represented on the day.
The commissioners were treated to a variety of speeches and workshops run by industry experts such as Professor Guy Claxton, who travels the world transforming education, and David Didau, the former teacher turned successful author and blogger, better known as the @learningspy.
As part of the day, students were given a personalised pack with detailed information on how to complete educational research which they will use, along with the insight from the industry experts, to form their own research proposal. Over the course of the spring and summer terms, the student commission will work with senior leaders to help make the teaching at Beckenham truly world class. In July 2017, they will present their findings to the Harris Federation Executive group, giving them the opportunity to help shape the future direction of all the academies across South London.
Students left inspired by the findings they were presented and driven to begin to make a real difference to teaching and learning in their Academy.
Mr Williams - Vice Principal