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Posted on December 16th 2016
HABE's First Ready Steady Cook Challenge
With students and staff assembled, the stage was set for an exciting cook off between the Red and the Green teams. The teams were given 15 minutes in which to cook and present their dish; with the Red team serving Thai fishcakes and noodles and the Green team serving Cauliflower curry and spiced cous cous.
Prior to the cook off, the students enjoyed an interactive question and answer session where food and its nutritional value was explored, making particular reference to both good and bad fats, proteins and dairy products.
Our host of the challenge Mr Plumridge, held the audience captive as he questioned the students about the food that they ate, explaining how the different food groups helped the human body to thrive, grow and repair itself.
With tension mounting, the music began and our teams set to work cooking their given recipe in just 15 minutes. Volunteers were chosen from the audience to gauge the team’s progress, as the clock counted down. After 15 minutes exactly the teams were told to ‘stop cooking’ and had to present their winning dish!
After the last team of lucky volunteers had tasted the finished dishes, the audience were given to vote on their favorite dish taking into account, taste, smell and presentation. After a nervous few minutes deciding who had the most votes, the Green team were declared the winners.
A spectacular, informative, competitive, nutritional treat was enjoyed by students and staff alike.
Our winning team:
Jake Bale, Sofia Adamou - Y10, Ms Feitor
And the winning dish!
Ms Dunk
Please click here to view the full Ready Steady Cook Challenge gallery