Latest News
Posted on February 28th 2017
Ace your Exams - Friday 24th February
Just before our final round of Year 11 mock exams, students received a bespoke training session by Elevate education titled Ace your Exams. This was a follow up to the successful Study Sensei session they attended in November.
Over the course of a double period and through a mixture of research, real world examples and anecdotal stories, students were give clear strategies to help their preparation for exams. The passion and enthusiasm of Jon, their presenter for the day, meant that students were not only fully engaged for the duration but also overwhelmingly positive in their feedback.
99% of students said they would recommend the session to peers and that is was time well spent. Highlights from the student perspective were the strategies to help them not “over think” exams; how to structure their revision; the engaging presenter and providing an effective time line for preparation that will leave them feeling confident on the morning of any exam.
When asked what improvements could be made, they were few and far between with one student succinctly summing up the feeling from the year group: “nothing, it was great!”
We are already looking forward to inviting Elevate back next year and are in discussions with them to widen the offer to Sixth form and Year 10.
Mr Williams - Vice Principal