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Posted on May 8th 2015
HABE Students Perform at the Churhill Theatre, Bromely
We were contacted by the Churchill Theatre in Bromley who were looking for actors aged 15 -18 to audition for parts in their performance of “HACKTIVISTS”. Thomas Brooks and Aren Kennedy beat off the competition to be cast in the show. They made the commitment to attend workshops and rehearsals in their own time over several months in preparation.
The play was performed both at the Churchill Theatre and Greenwich Theatre where adjudicators marked the performances. We are anxiously awaiting the results, as some will go forward to perform at The National Theatre.
Ms Hickey and I joined parents and friends to see “HACKTIVISTS” at the Churchill Theatre in Bromley and were amazed by the standard of the cast and performance. Most particularly, of course, by Thomas Brookes and Aren Kennedy both of whom had central roles and were word perfect.
We were very proud, and I’m sure you would like to join us in saying a hearty congratulations to them!
Mrs J Cummings - Head of Drama