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Posted on January 24th 2018
The Music Student Conference
We recently were fortunate to attended a conference aimed at music students. This trip was extremely helpful for students and teachers alike to understand, in more depth, the syllabus and how to achieve the highest marks possible. From theory to composition the presentation covered all, from highlighting the best possible ways to answer questions fully with all the required detail to what the examiners look for in compositions, and explaining fully the ways in which we can perform to the highest standard.
The presentation was also very interactive – testing our knowledge, and I am sure the teachers’ as well, as we answered listening activities and graded other pieces (through the eyes of an examiner). Furthermore, at the event we were able to show off our schools talented year 11s (three of which performed in front of many different schools of all the same age range – a big feat in itself).
In conclusion, I feel it was a great experience and I am sure the students and teachers gained a lot from the event that they can take away and input into lessons.
By Alex Sellen – Y11