Latest News
Posted on June 26th 2018
Spelling S-u-c-c-e-s-s!!
On Tuesday 26th June Ms Robinson hosted the annual HABE Spelling Bee with some of our enthusiastic year 7 students.
The 3 top students from this competition would go on to represent the Academy at the Federation Spelling Bee in July.
The finalists had been selected from their English classes/Tutor Groups and the top two went through to the next round.
After 4 challenging rounds involving buzzers and marathon ‘spell offs’, the overall winners on the day were Jordan (1st place) Timi ( 2nd place) and Adrian (3rd place). Nonetheless, a huge congratulations to all of the students who participated in the competition.
Watch this space as our finalists represent the Academy at the Federation Spelling Bee on Thursday July 5th.
Ms Robinson - English