Latest News
Posted on September 17th 2018
Inspirational Teaching - Lead Practicioner Accreditation
Inspirational teaching recognised at Harris Academy Beckenham through the SSAT Lead Practitioner Accreditation
Thomas Christopher, Kate Castro-Martin and Lindsey Hibbert teachers from Harris Academy Beckenham have been recognised as inspirational leaders of learning by successfully achieving Lead Practitioner Accreditation from SSAT, the Schools, Students and Teachers network, in the programme’s Summer 2018 accreditation gateway.
The SSAT Lead Practitioner programme celebrates great teachers who lead their colleagues to develop themselves. The award recognises their skills, experience and qualities and how they embed and extend teaching and learning in their school that positively impacts on the lives of their students.
SSAT Chief Executive Sue Williamson said ‘We are delighted to recognise the achievement of the newest accredited Lead Practitioners joining SSAT’s network. They have demonstrated through their application how the work they have done has impacted on both the teachers and students in their own school and others across the region’
Rebecca Hickey, Executive Principal of Harris Academy Beckenham, said “ We are very proud of all three of our staff who have worked exceedingly hard to fulfil the expectations of the accreditation. All have been promoted within Harris Beckenham in light of the impact of their excellent practice. Teaching and learning is at the heart of all we do at Harris Academy Beckenham; Tom, Lindsey and Kate have provided inspirational support and professional learning too all of our staff. A huge congratulations to them all!”