Latest News
Posted on September 13th 2018
Yesterday we held our Enrichment Fair which gave an opportunity for all our Y7 to Y10 students to see and experience a plethora of enrichment opportunities that are on offer this Academic year.
Every department produced an exciting display to entice our students and encourage them to sign up to join.
We at HABE actively encourage all students to sign up to at least one Enrichment Club and this year the choice is so vast and wide! Students have the opportunity to achieve their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, create clothes, join the orchestra or choir, add their voice to the Academy School Magazine, test their spelling skills with our Spelling Bee Competition, dance, play cricket and expand their experiments with our Science Club, to name but a few.
Please view our Enrichment Calendar HERE to see the full range of opportunities on offer!
Thank you Mr Christopher for organising such a fabulous informative event for our students!