Latest News
Posted on December 10th 2018
Pro Pizzas!!!
Year 8’s roared back into action this term in Food Technology. We kicked off our practicals with Puff Pastry Pizza and the students were quick about picking up their Food Tech skills despite being out of the kitchen for a few months.
It was impressive to see them demonstrating good health and safety practices, and applying food preparation skills they learned last year, as they took on a multiple ingredient recipe with determination and confidence. Responding positively and promptly to instructions they managed to deliver two pizzas consecutively, and cleaned up the kitchen in time for a peer assessment, taste test and written evaluation.
To add a ‘Masterchef’ style competitive element, the students were charged with the challenge of making the pizzas attractive enough to sell in a restaurant. A prize was offered for the best pizza. Ailis’ class voted her the cook who created the ‘most appetising pizza’ but many of the students created products for which they should be proud. Well Done!
By Mr De Veras